Early Life

Bridget's marriage certificate indicates that she was 25 years of age in June 1927 when she got married. This means that she was born around 1902

Obviously this means that she was not around for the 1901 census

She would have been about 9 years of age for the 1911 census

Searching for a Bridget Maguire who was about that age in the 1911 census, and who had a father named John Maguire, results in three possible matches.

One was 9 years old, living in Derrylahan in Co Cavan. Her father was 64 years of age. No mother is recorded in the census so it possible that she had passed away. Derrylahan is about 70 km from Glangevlin, where she was living when she got married

Another was 8, living in Caltragh, Rathmacurkey, Co Sligo. Her father was 43 years of age and her mother was Mary. Caltragh is about 50 km from Glangevlin

The third was also 8, living in Shaw Villas, Trinity Ward, Dublin. Her father was 34 years of age and her mother was Catherine. It seems unlikely that this is a match, given the distance

Married Life

Bridget married Patrick McGovern on 20th June 1927 in the Church of Glangevlin, Bawnboy, Co Cavan

Patrick was from Gubaveeney, which is about 11.5 km from Glangevlin.

They had six children: Patrick (Packie), Ellen (Evelyn), John, Kathleen and Frank. They also had a son Michael who died when he was 10 years old


Bridget passed away xxx

She is buried xxx