We think this photo was taken in Howth. We do not know the name of the lady on the right. Written on the back of the photo is "17th May 1949"
We think this photo of Evelyn was taken in Howth. We do not know who the lady on the left is
We think this photo of Evelyn was taken in Howth. We do not know who the lady on the right is
We think this photo of Evelyn was taken in Howth. We do not know who the lady on the right is
We think this photo of Evelyn was taken in Howth. We do not know anything about the dog she is holding
Evelyn is on the left in this photo. We do not know the identities of the other people. Written on the back of the photo is "Aug 1950"
Unfortunately we don't know when or where this photo of Mum was taken
This portrait of Mum was drawn in 1951 when she would have been about 21. We have a portrait of Dad which was done at the same time