
This is the record of Mary Ellen's birth

It shows that she was born on the 21st of February 1896 in Correvan

It gives her mother's maiden name as Dolan

It shows that her aunt Ellen was present at the birth

The census of 1901 show Mary Ellen (age 5) living in Correvan, Holywell, Co Cavan with her parents Terence and Maggie McCorry

Her siblings were Sarah, James and Susan

Also living with the family was Ellen McCorry, an unmarried sister of Terence

All three of the adults could read and write

The census of 19011 shows the same people living in the house. Sarah is now called Sarah Anne and Mary is called Mary Ellen

Everyone in the house can read and write. The three adults only speak English while the children also speak Irish

The form says that Maggie had five children but only four are sill living

Peter and Mary Ellen were married in Co Cavan on the 9th of August 1923.

Peter's father (also Peter) was a farmer, as was Mary Ellen's father, Terence

The witnesses were Bernard McCullagh and Sue McCorry (presumably Mary Ellen's sister Susan)