Maggie McCorry was born Margaret Dolan. Her parents were Phil and Mary Dolan.
We do not know her exact date of birth but she was baptised on 2nd April 1866 in Killinagh, Co Cavan
Maggie married Terence McCorry (a farmer) on the 30th November 1983 in Holywell, Co Cavan. His occupation was given as farmer
The witnesses were Terence McHugh and Mary Mason.
At the time of the 1901 census, Terence and Maggie were living in Correvan, Holywell, Co Cavan
They had four children: Sarah, Mary, James, and Susan.
Terence's sister Ellen was also living with them
At the time of the 1911 census, the same people were living in the house
Maggie age is given as 46
The information indicated that Terence and Maggie had been married for 17 years and that one of their five children has passed away
Sarah's name was now given as Sarah Anne and Mary's name as Mary Ellen